Create your first site

This tutorial will guide you to create your first organization, how you can group sites in projects and how you can launch with a click new sites that scale up and down automatically, as needed.

In order to follow this tutorial, you’ll need to have a domain for the site that you’re going to create.

After you’ve installed the Bitpoke App, you can go to the URL where you installed it (e.g. to access it. Here you need to login using Auth0, either with your Google account, or with username and password, depending on how you’d set up you Auth0 account.

Create an organization


Keep in mind that only site admins can create an organization, see more on Configure Admin Users .

When you access the Bitpoke App for the first time, you’ll be prompted to create your first organization:

Create your first organization

If you already have an organization, press the “+” button from the organizations menu to create another one.

Create another organization

Create a project

After you’ve created your organization, you’ll be redirected to the overview of it.

Organization overview

Your organization has no projects yet, so let’s create one. Press on the “+” sign from the project’s overview and create your first project:

Create your first project

You need to:

  • type in your project name
  • select the MySQL Cluster storage size you need
  • choose if you want your MySQL Cluster storage type to be Standard (It uses a standard storage type backed by hard disks) or SSD (It uses a faster storage type backed by SSD)

Create a site

After you’ve created your organization, you’ll be redirected to the Sites page, which is now empty, as you don’t have a site yet. Let’s go ahead and create your first site:

Sites overview

You need to enter the domain for your site:

Enter the domain for your site

Add your custom Docker image or you can leave the field empty and use our default one:

Upload custom WordPress image

The final step is to set up your site’s credentials, email and site name:

Set up your site's details

That’s it, now press Create site and wait for your site to be Running.

Your site is running


You’ll see the error “Certificate request has not been completed.” in your site’s Overview until you make your site visible at the next step.

Make the site visible

In order to make the site visible, you need to add an A record in your DNS zone pointing to the site’s IP.

Go to the Routing section of your newly created site:

Routing section

Copy the IP you see in the Routing section and go to your DNS provider to create an A record that points to this IP.

Here is an example on Cloudflare, which is one of the most popular DNS providers:

Site overview

Now go to your site’s domain to check it out:

Check out your newly created site


To access the wp-admin of the site, you need to go to site_domain/wp/wp-admin/.

WordPress Admin

Now that you have a fresh site on the Bitpoke App, you can go ahead an migrate the contents of your own site .