Insufficient Replicas
"WordPress deployment doesn’t have the minimum required replicas available" - this is a common error that happens when you’ve created a small cluster, either with fewer nodes than necessary, or on a machine that can’t support the site.
If you’ve created a cluster too small for your site, you’ll see that your site will have the error WordPress deployment doesn't have the minimum required replicas available
You can also see this error in the Events section and if you go to the Pods section you’ll see that one of the pods has a warning:
In this case you have 2 options: you can either add more nodes to your cluster, or create a new node pool with better specifications.
1. Add more nodes to your pool
To add more nodes to your existing pool, access your cluster in Google Cloud, go to Nodes
and click on your node pool:
Here you’ll be able to add more nodes to your cluster:
2. Create a new node poll
You can create a new node pool with better specifications, a higher machine type or more nodes. To create a new node pool, access your cluster in Google Cloud, go to Nodes
and click on Add Node Pool