Import data into a site running on Stack

Find out how to import database and media files into your Bitpoke Stack site.

Database import

In order to import the database, you’ll need to port-forward MySQL’s port.

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl port-forward <release>-mysql-0 3307:3306

Furthermore, you’ll need to connect to it via a user and password. All database related credentials are stored in the <release>-db secret.

$ kubectl get secret <release>-db -o yaml

You’ll need the USER and PASSWORD secret. Those are base64 encoded and in order to decode them you can echo <USER-CONTENT> | base64 -D. Since you have the credentials and the port forwarded, you just have to connect using your favorite client.

$ mysql -u USER -p -h -P 3307

Uploads import

We recommend using buckets to handle media files and in order to import all those media files, we recommend using rclone . You’ll just need to config your service account and you’re ready to go.


This will delete existing files under that google cloud storage folder.

$ rclone -v sync uploads gcs:<bucketname>/<prefix>/wp-content/uploads/